Friday, 13 March 2020

Statistical Package For Social Sciences

These samples were collected in per-cleaned poly- polypropylene containers of capacity after rinsing with the sample and preserved airtight to avoid evaporation, stored at and analyzed within days. The pH and electrical conductivity were recorded on site at the time of sampling with digital pH meter and digital meter, respectively. For heavy metal analyses, samples were separately collected in washed poly pro  Pyle containers of 100 ml capacity and acidified onsite to avoid precipitation of metals.

Analytical methods The parameters were selected based on their relative importance in municipal landfill leaches composition, and their pollution potential on groundwater resource in particular Bag chi 2004). The hemispherical parameters such as total dissolved solids, total alkalinity total hardness , major cations such as calcium  and magnesium , major anion such as chlorides  of the leach ate and groundwater samples were analyzed by metrication methods.

Chloride was included in the water quality assessment because of its measure of extent of dispersion of leaches in groundwater body (Chap man 1992). Sulfates in the groundwater samples were analyzed by thermometric turbidity method  Nitrates and total organic carbon determination in the groundwater samples were carried out by DR 2700 spectrometer.

Estimation of chemical oxygen demand  was done by closed reflex trigonometry method, while biochemical oxygen demand was calculated by oxygen determination by Winkle nitration for the preserved leach ate sample. All the analyses in this study were repeated two or three times until concordant values were obtained, and all the tests were carried out according to the standard methods.

The data was statistically analyzed by setting up and cal cu- laying a correlation matrix for the various parameters using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software package (Norris 1997). The heavy metals such as  Pb and Zn concentrations in the leach ate and ground water samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometer supplied by Thermos Fisher Scientific, USA with background correction lamp. Standard solutions of heavy metals viz.
copper , manganese, lead  and zinc were prepared with distilled water using copper sulfate  cadmium fate , manganese sulfate , lead nitrate and zinc nitrate.